Map of an Old Heart

An Uncollected Anthology: Mystical Maps Story
If you're a fan of the American Geological Survey or Cartographer Universe Series, here's a Vallon Drake short story! Coming December 1, 2023. Currently available for preorder.
Vallon Drake has a special gift. She can sense and correct geographical changes that might not only wipe entire countries off the map, but change reality so that everyoneforgets those countries ever existed.
When Vallon senses a change in the map of Seattle, she reports the change to her superiors at the secret government agency where she works. Only no one believes her. Ignored and told to go home, she can’t let it go.
Conducting her own illicit investigation on the streets of Seattle, Vallon discovers something unbelievable.
Something that makes her question everything she’s been taught.
Something that will force her to make a decision no young agent should ever have to make.